In my book, I talk about how important play is to creativity. For me, a big revelation about creativity came from noticing that children are better at it than most adults. Play is a huge part of how they engage their creative minds in learning about and adapting to the world around them.
If we grownups want to be creative, we need to get off our fuddy-duddy, overly serious butts and have some fun. Does that mean we should waste precious time or energy just messing around? Well, yeah, that is what it means.
The kind of play I'm talking about is active, smart, alert, and imaginative. I'm not talking computer games, folks. I'm talking goofy, imaginative, self-created fun. It means asking yourself questions that make no obvious sense, maybe just to make yourself laugh, like "how fat is that sound?" I once spent a productive hour with a four year-old making up disgusting food mixtures (pickle ice cream had us both in stitches). Hey, you had to be there.
If you're feeling burdened, stuck, overwhelmed, or just like a boring old you know what, take a break. Get out there and play!
The kind of play I'm talking about is active, smart, alert, and imaginative. I'm not talking computer games, folks. I'm talking goofy, imaginative, self-created fun. It means asking yourself questions that make no obvious sense, maybe just to make yourself laugh, like "how fat is that sound?" I once spent a productive hour with a four year-old making up disgusting food mixtures (pickle ice cream had us both in stitches). Hey, you had to be there.
If you're feeling burdened, stuck, overwhelmed, or just like a boring old you know what, take a break. Get out there and play!
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