Did you know that, linguistically speaking, you create when you "construct" things, as well as originate something new? In other words, if you have a creative hobby--like landscaping your back yard, building bird houses, knitting, playing an instrument, baking exotic cookies--that's defined as creating, even if you are just learning and following ideas originated by other people.

That's why creative hobbies are important. When you use your creative brain on a regular basis, you form a habit of creativity that is very good for you and the world around you. Sooner or later, you may need to use your creative skills on something riskier or more stressful. Your habit will give you the confidence that you know how to use your creative brain to learn new things, solve problems, or just make lemonade out of lemons.
Another possibility is that while you're using your creative brain to learn a pattern or skill, you may come up with an original idea or solution. Why not? Your creative brain is really good at all things new. The key is developing the creative habit.
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