Thursday, March 24, 2011

Do you see what I see? The three traits of perception.

Creativity requires perceptions that open the mind and awaken it to unforeseen possibilities.  Perception isn't just passively taking things in:  it is conscious awareness or understanding of input from our senses.   You can train yourself to be more perceptive just as you can train yourself to be more decisive, or more organized.  The only requirement is the will to do so.

Being perceptive means seeing more than others see.  Typically, the reason we miss what's right under our noses is that we are distracted or operating on automatic.  The way to train yourself to be more perceptive is to focus and really look, listen, and strive to understand. 

As you go through your day, set aside time (such as a walk to the coffee shop) to develop these three traits:

Actively observe. Clear away your assumptions and see your world with fresh eyes.

Be curious. Why are things they the way they are? Do they have to be that way? How would you want them to be different?

Perceive. Strive to internalize and understand what you observe, letting what you learn lead you to new ideas.

The more you practice, the easier you will find it to perceive.  And within those perceptions, you will find creative gold.

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