Led by the natural processes of the universe, our brains evolved a Creativity Department because that helps us to make ourselves more successful at... being ourselves. Each of us, by becoming stronger and smarter, helps the human race to survive and thrive. In the particular case of human beings, that doesn't just mean our bodies, it means our minds and ideas. People will fight and even die for an idea; we know that our legacy isn't just locked up in our bodies.
The book The Evolving Self by Mihaly Cziksentmihalyi describes this in some detail; here, all I want to say is that your creativity is the part of you that helps you to be part of the universal process of change, experimentation, and invention. Even stars do it, so why shouldn't you?
If you need to find energy for a creative process, open your eyes, look around you, and see how extraordinarily creative your world is. From the tiniest mite to the huge stars in the sky, creation is everywhere. All you need to do is unleash your personal spark.
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