Thursday, April 14, 2011

Creativity starts with loving what you do

Many times a creative idea loses steam because when it comes right down to it, even if it sounds like a smart idea you aren't really all that motivated by it. Let's face it: doing anything new requires a great deal of personal energy and commitment. You need to get through all of the self-criticism and real-world push-back that is sure to come.

In my own experience, finding support for your creative idea means getting those you rely on to become enthusiastic about it, for your sake. The people who know you will sense how important your idea is to you--or if you're just spinning your wheels. How genuine is your passion for your idea?

In fact, a supportive environment is so important that I suggest you tap into your own love and concern to find your inspiration. If you are motivated by caring deeply about something beyond yourself, you may find it easier to engage others in the issues that interest you. Your concern can be for your customers, your business partners, your community, the arts, the environment, or of course, your family. Whatever moves you, remember that shared concerns create a robust network of support.

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