Have you ever wondered what would happen if you took any one of your amazing ideas--any one of them--and actually started working on it? Well, what's stopping you?
If you're like me, most of what's stopping you is fear. It comes in many guises, from "I don't have time" to "You know, I don't think that's such a great idea after all." But it's really fear of what would happen if you changed they way you work, for example, or if others saw your idea and didn't respond positively.
The question of the day is how to find the courage to be creative? My favorite recipe is: Love, Self-Awareness, Commitment. When I start feeling all dizzy about the risks I'm taking, I go to my family for love and support. Then I look at myself and ask, what on earth am I scared of? What could I do to change my attitude about risk? And last, I am very firm with myself. I must keep my commitments, especially those I've made to myself. Otherwise, what am I?
So straighten up and look danger in the eye. You can do this, and when you do--it's gonna be great.
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