Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Laziness and creativity. Sigh.

I'm not even completely sure what laziness is, but I've got it.  Blame the winter.  Blame the 50,000 words I wrote in November as part of NaNoWrimo. Blame my old and aching back.  Whatever... it's laziness.

Every night, I meditate on a day spent re-reading familiar books and avoiding the laundry problem.  I find myself responding, rather than initiating contacts.  I assure you I am not depressed; I'm just lazy!

What's the cause?  Well, probably the winter is part of it; I'm not getting much exercise now that jogging season is over, and that means I'm low-energy.  But really, I think I've hit a fear point in my bigger projects.  The holidays came at just the right time for me to form a thousand excuses not to confront my fear of taking the next step.  Between entertaining the family and consuming upwards of a million Christmas cookies, I've been distracted enough to avoid my creativity anxiety.

The answer, my friends, is simple: laugh at my own foolishness and dive right back in. What is there to be afraid of?  Failure?  You only fail if you don't finish!  Set a schedule and let my family know about it, so that they can help give me that oh-so-gentle push. 

I only have one life, and within that life, all I have is each new day.  The sun is up, and it's time to get back to my life!

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