Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The importance of focus to creativity

Creativity involves the entire person: your personality to be motivated, your will to persist, your knowledge and skill to inform your choices, your imagination to envision something new, your social environment to support your project. 

Being creative is in many ways the most complete expression of who you are. Because it takes so much of you, a creative process needs your deep, lasting focus if you are going to make it all the way from an initial intention to full realization.

Focus isn't just a matter of what you do for an hour or so.  It's an act of self-mastery.  If you allow random interruptions, such as e-mail alarms during your train ride, to constantly distract you, your attention becomes fragmented. Your inner world becomes a noisy place filled with competing voices. You have no attention left over for anything but the next annoying beep.

Only in the quiet spaces of your life do you encounter your whole self.  Turn down the volume of interruptions, and you will finally be able to listen to yourself and your world. That will enable you to be creative.

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